Take Action | Damaging Budget Cuts Still Loom for Wildlife
The budget agreement signed into law to prevent automatic cuts under the Fiscal Cliff could still have damaging impacts on funding for endangered species, wildlife law enforcement, national wildlife refuges, and a host of other programs critical to wildlife conservation. Take action now to protect funding for wildlife conservation. | Feature | A Magic Number for Cook Inlet Belugas
In Alaska's Cook Inlet, the most isolated population of beluga whales is also the most threatened. Though this year's population estimate is a little higher than the last, the overall trend is still on a steady decline, and scientists are working to learn more about what could be keeping Cook Inlet belugas from recovering. One part of this year's survey, however, might offer a glimmer of hope. | Wins for Wildlife | How the Endangered Species Act Saved the Black-Footed Ferret
The black-footed ferret has come a long way since 1986, when just 18 of them remained in captivity. Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that about 750 ferrets exist in the wild. We still have a long way to go, but for a species twice on the very brink of extinction, we are within reach of an amazingly full recovery for the black-footed ferret. | | "No Otter Zone" Finally a Thing of the Past
With an estimated population of only 2,800 off of California’s coast, the southern sea otter has finally caught a break! With your help, Defenders supporters sent more than 11,600 comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to support the repeal of the "no otter zone." And they did it! Now sea otters will be able to move and expand their range naturally, something that science shows a species needs in order to recover. This is a huge and long-awaited victory; one that we hope will allow the southern sea otter to move closer to recovery. | | Defending Wildlife | The ESA Turning 40 America would look a lot different today if we had not committed to the protections provided by the Endangered Species Act (ESA), a piece of landmark legislation that was signed into law almost 40 years ago. The ESA has been incredibly effective in keeping species like bald eagles, Florida panthers and other iconic wildlife from extinction, and continues to not only prevent extinction, but also steadily improve the conservation prospects for the seriously imperiled species it protects. Read more about how the ESA has helped protect and preserve wildlife. | | Desert Tortoises The desert tortoise, the official reptile of California and Nevada, is a unique creature that has the remarkable ability to survive in extreme conditions. Perfectly adapted to the extreme conditions of their desert home, desert tortoises can survive up to a year or more without water! Learn more about these exceptional creatures » |
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