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Monday, December 29, 2014

Your year-end donation for wolves - DOUBLED


As we near the end of 2014, the staggering loss of wolves in Idaho has outraged wolf lovers like you.
That’s why generous members of our Board of Directors have agreed to match your gift, dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $100,000. But hurry this matching gift opportunity ends at midnight on Wednesday December 31!
Make your year-end tax deductible donation go further than ever – please help us in our fight to save Americas wolves.


eoy wolves under siege web

Help Us Fight

Wolf Pups (c) Dan Stahler

Help us continue our fight to protect wolves in 2015!

Donate Now!

Radio Button $30 becomes $60
Radio Button $50 becomes $100
Radio Button $100 becomes $200
Radio Button $250 becomes $500

The killing is out of control 
with the match, your gift will
go twice as far!

Dear Activelids,

These are especially dangerous times for wolves in Idaho.

It’s winter days like these when wolves are at greatest risk from bullets and traps, especially those from federal and state agents. Now that food is scarce, wolves will be out foraging – and they’re much easier to track in the snow. So far, hunters and trappers have killed 129 wolves since hunting season began.

Won't you support our year-end campaign with a generous donation for the wolves and other vulnerable wildlife we love?

Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $100,000 until midnight on December 31st!

As you read this, there’s a good chance a wolf is dying somewhere in Idaho. And if the current trend continues, some of them are likely to be an alpha male or female which are critical to the future of their packs and wolf recovery.

More and more alpha female wolves are being killed. Only the alpha female of a pack breeds, so when she’s killed, the pack is thrown into chaos – and when spring denning season arrives, no pups are born.

The steady loss of mother wolves in Idaho has reached crisis proportions.

But there is hope.

We can turn this around. Many Idahoans do not share anti-wolf politicians’ desire to dramatically reduce wolf populations. Like you, they understand that wolves restore balance to ecosystems. And they recognize that wolves are important to maintaining healthy ecosystems. Their voices need to be heard.

Help us protect our nation’s wolf heritage by supporting our emergency matching gift year-end campaign!

Thanks to supporters like you, Defenders of Wildlife has been at the forefront of efforts to restore wolves to the Lower 48. We were present at the first reintroductions 20 years ago. We’ve repeatedly gone to court to make sure wolves get the legal protection they deserve. And we’re working around the clock, on the ground in Idaho, in Washington, DC, and elsewhere to bring an end to the Idaho war on wolves.

Your support helps ensure we have the resources to carry on this fight. We are the voice of America’s wolves, and we’re your voice, too.

Your help will never make a bigger difference.


Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife

  Defenders of Wildlife leads the pack when it comes to protecting wild animals and plants in their natural communities »
   1130 17th Street NW  |  Washington, DC 20036  |  1-800-385-9712

© Copyright 12/29/2014 Defenders of Wildlife.

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Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

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