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Friday, June 29, 2012

WSPA Enews: Rio+20, farm animals, Global Review and disaster update

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Success for animals at Rio +20

For the first time ever, global leaders have recognized the importance sustainable livestock farming in negotiations on worldwide economic development. The Rio +20 Earth Summit concluded last week with recognition from UN representatives and policymakers from around the world that good animal welfare is inextricably linked to food security, the environment and public health. With your support, WSPA helped to secure agreement and ensure that the importance of good animal welfare was recognized on this critical global platform.

This is an important milestone for animals and WSPA was there bringing the message to politicians, policymakers and the public about our approach to sustainable animal farming. There is still a big job ahead of us. We need to ensure that farm animals are a core part of national and global policies.

Watch the video and

Rio +20 Animal Samba Flash Mob

Have you seen our new video?

To accompany the release of the What's On Your Plate? The Hidden Costs of Industrial Animal Agriculture in Canada report, WSPA Canada created a fun and informative video that tells the story of the shift of some of Canada's agriculture activities from pastoral to industrial. Share it with your friends and family and show them that industrial farming has major impacts on animals, the environment, your health and the vibrancy of rural communities.

Watch the video >>

Old MacDonalds and the factory farm

Our Global Review is online

Global Review 2011With your help we have taken some incredible steps forward for animals. The efforts of our disaster teams working in the aftermath of terrible floods in Thailand, the freeing of bears from horrific bear baiting events, our mission to stop the cruel culling of dogs through our Collars Not Cruelty campaign and so many other achievements simply would not have been possible without your valued support.

The Global Review is a chance to look back at the past year and reflect on all the important work you have supported around the world. We hope you will take a moment to read through it.

Thank you so much for everything you do to help us protect animals from pain and suffering.

Read the Global Review >>

Stay up to date on our disaster relief

WSPA staff feeds a dog affected by floodingOur disaster relief teams are hard at work around the globe rescuing animals, rebuilding communities and preparing against tragedy. Stay up to date on our disaster relief efforts with on the ground reports from WSPA staff and representatives from our partner organizations by visiting our Animals in Disaster blog.

There you can see the most recent updates, including photos of animals rescued from flooding and tropical storms in Fiji. You can also see how your support is furthering relief efforts in the drought-stricken Chihuahua region of Mexico.

Visit now >>

  Josey Kitson with her dogs Bradie and Whiskey

Josey Kitson signature
Josey Kitson
Executive Director

PS: We're so close! The Hallmont Foundation has pledged $2,500 to WSPA if just another couple dozen supporters make a small donation through That means just $5 from you could turn into $2,500 for animals.
Please help us reach our goal — we are almost there!


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