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Monday, December 15, 2014

RE: Anti-wolf group running hateful ads: Help fight back


Billboards with hateful anti-wolf propaganda are popping up in Washington state.

Don’t let fairytales based on superstition and lies set back the recovery of such an amazing creature.

Help us spread the truth.


eoy wolves under siege web

Help Stop the Lies

Anti wolf billboard

These billboard ads are popping up in Washington state, fueling 
anti-wolf fears and propaganda.

 Save the Lives of Wolves >>Donate Now>>

Help us reach our goal of
$50,000 to place ads to stop the
spread of anti-wolf lies!

Dear Activelids,

Washington state has become the newest battleground in the war against wolves.

An anti-wolf group has begun running huge billboards filled with anti-wolf lies and propaganda intended to incite fear. They would have people in Washington believe that young children will be next on a wolf’s “menu.”

These lies must not go unanswered.

That’s why Defenders is planning an all-out ad blitz to stop the damaging spread of lies and misinformation.

We need to raise at least $50,000 to run this aggressive campaign - won’t you chip in to help us run billboard and online ads that tell the truth about wolves?

We’re hoping to raise enough to run eight billboard ads across Washington state as well as an aggressive online ad campaign to expose the lies that anti-wolf forces are spreading. We’re confident that when people have the facts, they’ll continue to support wolf recovery in the state. The more we can raise, the longer we can keep these ads running!

As of the last official count, there are only 52 wolves in all of Washington state – and they are being illegally killed as the hate-based claims become more and more farfetched.

It’s a familiar tactic. Fuel old fears and prejudices to turn public opinion against wolves. Then, press for state wildlife rules that permit “kill first, ask questions later” tactics against these magnificent animals.

That’s what they did in Idaho – and they can do it here too if we don’t nip this in the bud!

Here’s the truth about wolves: They have more reason to be afraid of humans than we do of them. You are more likely to be attacked by your neighbor’s poodle than to be attacked by a wolf.

Help us spread the truth! Donate now to help us run counter ads in Washington state and to help protect wolves and other wildlife.

We have already lived in a nation where wolves had been pushed to the brink of extinction – we’re not going to let it happen again. We can’t let fairy tales based on superstition and lies set back the recovery of such an important native species.

We can’t tell you how grateful we are for your continued support.


Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife

  Defenders of Wildlife leads the pack when it comes to protecting wild animals and plants in their natural communities »
   1130 17th Street NW  |  Washington, DC 20036  |  1-800-385-9712

© Copyright 12/15/2014 Defenders of Wildlife.

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Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

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